Welcome to Noel Economics
Noel Economics is the home of Dr. Michael Noel, a Competition Economist and Professor of Economics & Competitive Strategy at Texas Tech University.

An Expert in Competition Economics
Dr. Noel is an expert in Antitrust, Mergers, Strategy, and related matters. He has advised industry, government, the legal community, and the media on a wide range of competition issues in the U.S. and internationally.

Making Economics Make Sense
Dr. Noel has more than twenty years experience teaching Antitrust and Competition Economics. He has a talent for explaining even complex economic issues in the simplest possible way to economists and non-economists alike.

Making an Impact through Engagement
Dr. Noel has published extensively in leading professional journals in economics and law. He speaks regularly at universities and conferences around the world, and shares his expertise broadly outside academia.
Noel Economics
Professor Michael Noel
Noel Economics is the home of Dr. Michael D. Noel, a Competition Economist and Professor of Economics at Texas Tech University. Dr. Noel is internationally known for his work on Antitrust and Mergers issues, and has published extensively on these and other topics in leading professional journals in economics and law. Dr. Noel holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Toronto.
Dr. Noel's research is widely cited by economists and competition authorities internationally. He has presented his research to audiences at major universities and conferences on six continents around the globe, and is regularly called upon by the media to discuss a variety of competition and labor market issues. Dr. Noel has taught Competition Economics, including Antitrust, Mergers, and Strategy, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, for over twenty-five years.

Dr. Noel is an expert in Competition Economics and has advised industry and government on a wide range of competition matters in the U.S. and abroad.
Dr. Noel has published extensively in the area of Competition Economics and is internationally known for his price competition research in particular.
Dr. Noel has taught courses in Antitrust Economics and Competitive Strategy for over twenty-five years.
Dr. Noel regularly interacts with television, radio, online and print media to discuss Antitrust, Mergers, Labor issues, and other current events.
Dr. Noel's biography, including testimonials about his work and effectiveness.
What Others Are Saying about Dr. Noel

Dr. Noel is one of the special teachers you get where it is an absolute joy to come to class and learn. I went out of my way to take Dr. Noel's class and am extremely pleased I did. By far the best class I've taken at Tech.
A Student in Dr. Noel's class, from an anonymous course evaluation

Dr. Noel is an economic expert in complex competition/antitrust litigation and has been integral to the success of various matters. Dr. Noel's economic work is thoughtful, creative and robust, and is delivered with a high degree of professionalism and timeliness. I would highly recommend him.
An Attorney that worked with Dr. Noel

Dr. Noel is widely regarded as one of the leading experts on the economics of the retail gasoline market, and on the topic of price cycles there is no doubt that Dr. Noel is known worldwide as THE expert.
A Professor of Economics at a peer institution, from a recent peer review

Dr. Noel is a once-in-a-college professor. He is knowledgeable about everything he is talking about and teaches it very effectively. The entire class loved him. Definitely a person worthy of all the praise.
A Student in Dr. Noel's class, from an anonymous course evaluation

The quality of Dr. Noel's work, along with his impeccable credentials, make him an excellent consulting expert and would make him a formidable expert witness for deposition or trial. I strongly recommend Dr. Noel as an expert in civil litigation.
An Attorney that worked with Dr. Noel

Professor Noel has established himself as a leading expert on firm competition and market analysis. His publication record on these and additional topics is highly impressive.
A Professor of Economics at a peer institution, from a recent peer review

Your classes have singlehandedly been the most personally impactful classes out of my economics degree. You said "this is where you become an economist" and I want to let you know that "becoming an economist" has been one of the most meaningful experiences in my life.
A Student in Dr. Noel's class, from a thank you email